We will meet virtually (Zoom) on the second Monday evening of each month beginning at 6:00 PM (CST). 2025 dates include April 14, May 12, June 9, July 14, August 11, and September 8.
Formal ministries in the Church are vital because they establish a sense of vitality and growth. But most guys don’t know how to grow properly once they’re given this responsibility. DiscipleMaker 201 will help establish a clear pathway for your ministry to men to grow and thrive.
You may have many important leadership qualities already established in your repertoire. But DiscipleMaker 201 will help you focus, sharpen, and strengthen those qualities while at the same time giving you the necessary tools to start your ministry to men.
The feature that sets apart DiscipleMaker 201 from anything offered at No Regrets and beyond is the vital sense of community and accountability you will receive throughout the course. It might be this feature alone that makes your ministry to men successful.
For a climber of Mount Everest, basecamp is where they acclimate to the high altitude environment they have to embrace to make the summit. They meet and learn to wholly trust their team of fellow climbers. They offer each other their life stories, expose their personal vulnerabilities and become comrades with others that share the precious goal of the climb. It is not an individual – but a team with a shared purpose – that ultimately steps onto the top of the world.
This study will be your training ground.