Impacting Your World for Christ

What is DiscipleMaker 101?

A strategic and intentional training course

Like us, you desire to be a force for good in the world. You also know that the answer is making disciples for Jesus that make disciples for Jesus. But you may not have the tools to do that. Even if you’re here for your church, you have to ask yourself…

          • What is my plan for making disciples? 
          • Is my plan working? 

If you can’t answer these questions, then DiscipleMaker 101 will help you build a disciple-making movement in your Circle of Influence to change the world for the better.


At its heart, DiscipleMaker 101 is a leadership training course that will help you become the disciple maker that God has called you to be. If you’re a Christian who wants to intentionally enter into relationships with other people to help them better trust and follow Jesus, then this program is for you. Interact with the tabs below to find out more details about this virtual learning experience. 

How the Course Works...

The course is divided into 10 lessons (including an introduction) and is primarily designed for individual use. Each lesson consists of instructional videos, a Bible study, reflection questions and practical exercises.

Additionally, there is an opportunity within each lesson for you to “DIG DEEPER” by reading and engaging with the book The Disciple Maker’s Handbook: Seven Elements of a Disciple Maker’s Lifestyle. This book is highly recommended but is not required reading for the course. We prefer this book because it was written by successful practitioners of disciple making.

Groups: For those choosing to take this course within a leadership team context, there are discussion questions at the conclusion of each lesson as well as occasional stopping points within the videos. If taking this course with a leadership team, please watch the videos and complete all the work individually before your team meets. Then as a group, review the lesson and work through the various discussion questions together.


Each lesson within DiscipleMaker 101 is designed to be a key step in your leadership journey. Click on the box below to see more about the lessons you will take in DiscipleMaker 101. 

The Lessons...

  1. Introduction: Turning Ordinary Men into Fearless Influencers for Society
  2. The Mandate to Make Disciples
    The Christian life is the life of Christ reproduced in the believer by the power of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we need to master the Master’s life. One hallmark of this lifestyle is one lived committed to proclaiming the good news of His kingdom come here on Earth. This lesson is designed to give you a greater vision for the importance of this mission.
    You will learn: The biblical foundation – and importance of – disciple making that is laced throughout the biblical text
  3. Reaching Men for Christ (Part 1): The Circle of Influence
    In this lesson, you will begin the process of learning how to be a “contagious Christian” with those in your sphere of influence. We will touch on everything from how to pray effectively for others, to writing and sharing your story, to practical principles for sharing the gospel with another person.
  4. Reaching Men for Christ (Part 2): Leaving your Comfort Zone
    You have a unique set of spheres in which you operate in. Each one is an opportunity to learn about who you are, who your friends are, and who men are in culture today. In this lesson, you will learn to utilize these spheres of influence to more effectively minister to the men in your life.
  5. Reaching Men for Christ (Part 3): Sharing your Story & The Gospel
    Your story is powerful, unique, and a doorway to sharing the gospel. The gospel is powerful, unique, and the focal point of every Christian’s life. In this lesson, you will learn how to effectively share both with the people in your sphere of influence.
    You will learn: How to share your faith using both your testimony and the gospel in connection with one another to create a story emphasizing the power of God in your life
  6. Rooting Men in Christ (Part 1)
    Now that you have a picture of what God has done in your life, you will be able to form a plan to create meaningful and authentic spaces of community. In this lesson, we will walk you through the ways God has uniquely wired you as a leader to root others in Christ.
    You will learn: The practical steps in leading others into a deeper relationship with Jesus
  7. Rooting Men in Christ (Part 2): How Men Grow
    Small groups are the best setting for men to grow in. They are a place to be encouraged, held accountable, foster growth in, and a place  for support. That’s why in this lesson you will learn how to build a sustainable small group that will later be able to multiply.
    You will learn: How to create and sustain meaningful, authentic, small groups
  8. Rooting Men in Christ (Part 3): The Optimal Place for Men to Grow
    Small groups are the best setting for men to grow in. They are a place to be encouraged, held accountable, foster growth in, and a place  for support. That’s why we think you will need two lessons to cover the breadth and depth of this diverse topic. 
    You will learn: What type of group leader you are, what questions to ask the group, and how to choose the men who will be in your first small group. 
  9. Releasing Men for Kingdom Impact
    In this lesson, you will learn how your unique passions and gifts are there for kingdom impact. Then you will work out ways in which those gifts can be used to impact the world for Christ.
  10.  Reproducing Leaders for Life
    In this lesson, you will  become a multiplying leader, one who has a plan and strategy for intentionally developing the men in your sphere of influence to be Godly leaders in their home, church, workplace and world.

    You will learn: How to reproduce sustainable leadership for the communities that you will design as a result of this study


We want to make DiscipleMaker 101 available to everyone, everywhere. So we encourage this amazing course in three incredible ways:

Online: Individual

Take this course as an individual:

• If you have a passion for Disciple Making
• To learn virtually at your own pace
• To learn anytime & anywhere

Small Group: Leadership Team

Take this course as a leader team if:

• You want to invigorate aspiring leaders
• You want to lead others through the course
• You are in a leadership role

DiscipleMaker 101: Live

Utilize the in-person intensive if you:

• Want to build momentum for an entire church
• Don’t have the time to take the online course
• Need a refresher on disciple-making training


Make a Difference.

This one principal will change your entire community – and we will show you how it’s done! You need to raise effective leaders; and you will by the end of this course. 

Change Lives.

You’re passionate about disciple making for a reason: it changes lives. Luckily, we’re passionate about that, too. So we won’t stop until you’ve succeeded. 

Learn to Lead.

Some men don’t think they have what it takes to lead a small group. We think all men have what it takes. Some just need a little help – that’s what we’re here for.

It is always important to assess yourself and the importance of ministry and discipleship to men. In DiscipleMaker 101 you can really begin to see how God shaped you and what you have gone through and the people that impacted you the most as all part of God’s plan. 

George L


We've got that too!

The perfect companion piece to our disciple-making leadership courses are our studies and resources. While we have a wide range of resources, far and away our premiere study is our Basecamp Bible Study for men. It gives you foundational, practical guides using the biblical text on how to navigate EVERY area of life.