Golf Outing

4th Annual Charity Golf Outing

Save the date for 2025 at The Legend at Merrill Hills – Monday, July 21, 2025


The No Regrets Golf Outing is a one-day event that offers a great way to raise funds for a momentous ministry.  No Regrets seeks to equip leaders to disciple men…no small task! So we need your help to accomplish that goal. Proceeds from this one-day golf event supports the life-changing No Regrets Men’s Ministry.

What is Included?

Green fees, cart fee, range balls, facility locker room, prizes, putting green access, lunch and a hot meal are all included in  your sign-up fee.  But don’t let that stop you!  Feel free to donate, sponsor, and give to help raise funds for this life-changing ministry.

What is the Impact?

For this event, impact is more important than anything else. In this case the impact you will have on the world is momentous. You will see a movement among men, transformed by God’s grace and mobilized to change the world through: No Regrets Conference, Leadership Podcasts & DiscipleMaking Trainings and small group studies series’.  When men get it right, everyone wins. Your donation goes directly to funding that mission. 

For event questions contact David Kaiser:
For sponsorship opportunities contact: Dave DeRemer: