DiscipleMaker 101 Live

To Raise Up A Generation of Leaders

& Launch a DiscipleMaking movement

The No Regrets DiscipleMaker 101 Training Course is designed to forge leaders out of any man. So if you find yourself with a:

• Church Eager to Pursue Their Purpose
• Team of Men Who Want To Impact Their World For Christ
• Group of People Who Need to Revitalize Their Mission and Vision

Then this live course option is for you! Where Steve Sonderman, founder of No Regrets Men’s Ministry, will take your group through an incredible 6 hour journey deep into the power of discipleship. 

How Does It Work?

Something amazing happens when men are together.

They learn from each other, sharpen each other and galvanize each other to make an impact in the world. Are you looking for that to happen in your church? Then it’s time to host DiscipleMaker 101: Live Event. You’ll watch your men learn how to impact the world for Christ.

DM 101: Live Event takes all the high-level learning of our online course and presents it in a single-day or weekend format.

Steve Sonderman, founder of No Regrets, will do what he does best–inspire, equip and empower your men when he comes to your church and hosts this live training event. Your men will leave with a tool box of ministry strategies and the confidence to activate those discipleship tools. Watch your ministry to men accelerate!

Course Overview

Lesson 1: The Circle of Influence

As a man, you have been made to be part of something bigger and greater than yourself. You are here to join God in what He is doing in the world. You have been created by God with a unique sphere of influence to impact the world for Christ.

Lesson 2: The Man God Uses

After you’ve accepted the call, you will need some direction. In this lesson, learn the biblical principles for being the kind of men that God uses. By the end, you will be inspired and equipped to become an impactful force for Christ.

Lesson 3: Live and Love Like Jesus

Begin the process of learning how to be a contagious Christian. In this lesson you will examine the life of Jesus and how we can emulate His life as we engage the culture we live in.

Lesson 4: Sharing Your Story and God’s Story

This lesson continues the process of influencing those in your sphere of influence. You will focus on how you can effectively tell your story as well as learning practical principles for sharing the gospel message with another person.

Lesson 5: Men’s Small Groups

This lesson covers the practical foundations for starting, building, and sustaining men’s small groups.

Lesson 6: Bible Discovery Groups

The most asked question we get is, “what’s next for our small group?” The answer, The Bible Discovery Group. This lesson will teach your group this easy-to-learn and simple tool. It will prepare your group for a study method that can be led by anyone, anywhere, with anybody!


Make a Difference.

This one principal will change your entire community – and we will show you how it’s done! You need to raise effective leaders; and you will by the end of this course. 

Change Lives.

You’re passionate about disciple making for a reason: it changes lives. Luckily, we’re passionate about that, too. So we won’t stop until you’ve succeeded. 

Learn to Lead.

Some men don’t think they have what it takes to lead a small group. We think all men have what it takes. Some just need a little help – that’s what we’re here for.

After 12 years in men’s ministry leadership, I felt I was in a rut, and that our men’s ministry was not reaching its potential. Just halfway through the Leadership Cohort, I feel revitalized, and our men’s ministry is already raising the bar for the work of the Lord.

Jeff H

Upcoming Events

Rice Lake, WI

July 21-22, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions

How Will I Get The Word Out? 

Though we do not cover print costs, we have a promotional package that our team has designed for your convenience. This package includes both digital and print materials (e.g., videos, posters, flyers, inserts). You have the freedom to utilize what is most helpful for your community from our materials. 

How Much Does This Cost?

The cost of a DiscipleMaker 101: Live Event depends entirely on the scope of your event. There will be a minimum cost that will include travel and lodging for our team. Along with some costs for required print materials – like the DiscipleMaker 101 Live Workbook. Please contact us at admin@noregretsmen.org to inquire about costs of the event. 

What Will I Need To Put on the Event?

Like most speaking engagements, not much is required to host the event. At the very least, we will need a computer and projector to run slides from over the lesson course. You may want to provide your group with writing utensils, tables and chairs as well. However, we have already created workbooks, the slides, and we will provide the event speakers. 


We've got that too!

The perfect companion piece to our disciple making leadership courses are our studies and resources. While we have a wide range of resources, far and away our premiere study is our Basecamp Bible Study for men. It gives you foundational, practical guides using the biblical text on how to navigate EVERY area of life.