Beginning in 2020 from humble beginnings, CapeMen has grown from a small Bible Study of approximately 20-30 men into a major men’s movement of close to 300 men meeting weekly. In the Fall of 2022 attendance jumped from 30 to 145 men in one week. I believe this rapid growth can be attributed to a...Read More
This past September, I (Steve) had the privilege of speaking at the Fort Wilderness Men’s Retreat in McNaughton, WI. On Saturday evening, as each man entered the outdoor amphitheater that overlooked the lake, they were given a 4-inch nail. My talk that night was on John 11, the story of Lazarus. I shared with the...Read More
How one player discovered God’s purpose post baseball. The memory is crystal clear. There I sat, facing an empty screen at our dining room table, crafting my first resume at 35. When I came to the section labeled “work experience,” it struck me like lightning—I had nothing to list beyond “player here” and “player there.”...Read More
Momentum is defined as the advantage gained by the force of a moving body that carries an object to its final destination. Every one of us has seen the power of momentum, whether that be watching a rocket break free of the earth’s gravitational pull or your favorite team making a big play to change...Read More
“Although I have facilitated many small groups in the past, including the No Regrets Study Series, I have never had the opportunity to start a Basecamp group. Last March that changed, when after much prayer and lots of coffee, seven men said yes to give six weeks a try. Being able to actively participate in...Read More
In the spring of 2021, I received an email from Steve Sonderman about attending a new discipleship training program. I was hesitant to accept because I wanted to avoid doubt and having imposter syndrome when it comes to discipling other men. Nevertheless, I stepped out in faith and signed up for the virtual event. I...Read More
Friends, I’d like to discuss what it means to be an intentional disciple maker. 95% of discipleship programs fail because they don’t know what qualities they want to develop in their members. If one aims at nothing they will hit it every time, and that happens too often in today’s small groups. Many meet with...Read More
A paradigm shift occurs when a person’s usual way of thinking about or doing something is significantly changed or altered. One such paradigm shift happened in 1906 when Eddie Cochems, St. Louis University’s football coach, introduced the forward pass to the game. His team went undefeated that year, outscoring their opponents 407-11. After that landmark...Read More
Five reasons why an intentional plan for discipling men is vital to churches, families, and communities Over the last 35 years, I have seen first-hand the positive impact of churches utilizing intentional discipleship. When men are equipped, encouraged and empowered to live their lives for Jesus, everyone benefits. While many churches say they have a...Read More
Can one small group of men really impact a community?Answer: Absolutely YES!Several years ago, about a dozen men from the Sheboygan, Wis., area attended the No Regrets Conference. Four of those men were inspired and ignited to go do something for Christ and formed a small group.Their small group initially met in John’s living but...Read More